About Green Building

About Green Building

T.W. Bailey and Bailey Family Builders are one the leading edge in Green Home Building having won awards such as ARC’s Best Green Built Home over $1 Million in 2010 and the NAHB Green Outstanding Contribution Award in 2011 for “dedication to furthering green building education.” We meet or exceed all standards of the NAHB Green Building Standards, the Green Built Texas Standards, and the LEED Standards.

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  • Green Building in Frisco, TX

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What is Green Building?

Green Building goes by several names including green construction and sustainable building. As the names suggest, the core of green building is utilizing sustainable, resource-efficient, and environmentally responsible materials and construction techniques at all stages of the construction process. This approach requires a commitment by all parties involved including the client, architects, engineers, and builders to pursue green options with conviction.

Why Green Building?

Green building offers many benefits at both a personal level and a global level. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, buildings account for 39 percent of total energy use. The Department of Energy states homeowners could save anywhere from 5 to 30 percent on their energy bill by making efficiency upgrades.

Furthermore, there are an estimated 40 million allergy and 25 million asthma sufferers whose triggers are often caused by the poor indoor air quality that are often attributed to pollutants found in older structures. Those statistics alone are worth paying attention to when making any changes to your home or building a new home. Four of the main areas of focus when Green Building are:


Energy Conservation. 

Many homes aren’t built as efficiently as they could be, resulting in much higher energy consumption. In fact, it is estimated that new homes are more than 30% more energy efficient than older homes. Areas of focus for increased energy efficiency are:

Hot Water Heater Pipes Energy Star Appliances
Air Sealing Radiant Barrier Insulation
Solar Power Lighting Thermostat
Ducts Paints Ceiling Fans


Indoor Air Quality

A variety of sources contribute to pollutants inside the home. Indoor air pollution is among the top 5 environmental risks according to the EPA. Green remodeling helps remedy these problems with solutions like:

Carpet Paints Ventilation
Construction Materials Drainage Window Treatments


Reduced Material Waste & Resource Conservation.

Home remodeling often results in a large amount of construction waste. By working with your designer or architect to design floor plans to optimize materials used and recycling materials used, waste can be reduced dramatically. Additionally, water, which is often overlooked, can be utilized more efficiently. Green remodeling gives also you the opportunity to utilize:

Plastic Lumber Engineered Wood Brick
Porous Paving Schemes Rainwater Collect Low Impact Development (LID)
Ultra low flow toilets High performance shower heads “On Demand” Hot Water


Environmentally Safe Products.

Green remodeling helps eliminate products that could case harm to the environment as well as the occupants living in the home.

Green Building is social responsible and a superior choice to outdated building techniques. We’ve love to share our passion and expertise in Green Building with you. Give us a call at (972) 816-4955.

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